Indie Jug Films is an experienced Indie Film House offering highly competitive rates helping you build your Business, Brand or Product with sleek high quality videos. From Pre Production to 4k delivery, Music Production or Social Media Management/ growth we can assist with your Media needs.
Grand Opening | Cloud City Vapes
INDIE JUG FILMS commissioned to produce Grand Opening Promotional video for retail store Cloud City Vapes.
GEEKBAR Promo | Cloud City Vapes
INDIE JUG FILMS commissioned to produce products promotion video for retail store Cloud City Vapes.
Area 51 Promo | Cloud City Vapes
INDIE JUG FILMS commissioned to produce products promotion video for retail store Cloud City Vapes.
Geekbar Promo | Cloud City Vapes
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ELFBAR LUX Promo | Cloud City Vapes
INDIE JUG FILMS commissioned to produce products promotion video for retail store Cloud City Vapes.
Indie Jug Films Showreel 2016
INDIE JUG FILMS commissioned to produce products promotion video for retail store Cloud City Vapes.
Anna Scholz - Collection Launch
Indie Jug Films was commissioned to produce an Fitness Activewear Promo for London based Plus-sized fashion house Anna Scholz.
C H i C H i A SS14
Indie Jug Films proudly presents 'REMINISCENCE', Spring - Summer 2014 Collection from Fashion House CHiCHiA London.
Indie Jug Films produces the series Up, Out & Active For Slink Magazine, the Uk 1st Plus- Sized Glossy Magazine! Creating an online Fitness Lifestyle show
Now I See You - Music Video
Indie Jug Films proudly presents Music Video
'Now I See You'
Artist: Meka E.
Music: DJ Slope - NiceUp Crew (Austria)
Indie Jug Films © 2013
The Urban Hang Suite Live TV
Indie Jug Films Produces The Urban Hang Suite Live TV. The Urban Hang Suite Live TV launched 2012. A New Youtube Unsigned Music Viral Sensation!
Anna's Kitchen - SLiNK magazine
Web based cooking show, hosted by fashion designer Anna Scholz in collaboration with Slink Magazine.
One Man's Hope

Indie Jug Films proudly presents One Man's Hope a short film. This spoken word concept piece depicts one man's hopes and struggles with his Faith, and life.
An Indie Jug Film © 2013